Developing HIV/AIDS & Mental Health Programs in EU countries (Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria) – MAIDS

Project duration
September 2009 – September 2012
European Union
Project goal
The main goal of the project was to improve the quality of life of people with double/triple diagnosis (HIV/addiction/mental illness) in new EU member countries by increasing awareness of the relation between HIV/AIDS and mental health problems among professionals in relevant sectors and disseminating best practices existing in old EU member countries in the area of integrated approach towards mental health and HIV/AIDS.
Project results
Project provided knowledge and skills for professionals who deal with individuals having HIV/AIDS and/or mental health problems and/or addiction problems. In total 15 groups of professionals, i.e. 186 individuals were trained.
Established “Mental health and HIV/AIDS” training and knowledge centre aimed at information provision for the professionals in Lithuania, organization of trainings in the field of mental health and HIV/AIDS and advocacy of the topic.
During the project implementation a research “HIV, AIDS and mental health. Mental health service accessibility for persons living with HIV/AIDS in Lithuania” (download in Lithuanian) was carried out and published.
Training course “HIV, AIDS and mental health” was registered and taught at Vilnius University for Erasmus programme students.
Project leading partner
Social AIDS Committee (Poland)