
NGO „Mental Health Perspectives” (PSP in short) is a non-governmental organization established in the year 2000, working in the fields of mental health and human rights.

Our vision: all mental health conditions are perceived as meaningful human experiences and nobody suffers discrimination or derogation as a result of it.

Our mission: to establish human rights based approach to mental health with empathy, respect and person-centered services being at the core of it.

PSP has successfully carried out more than 100 national and international projects. We conduct research and analyses, carry out trainings, run advocacy campaigns and monitor human rights, participate in policy making and educate the public about mental health from a biopsychosocial, individual-oriented, and human rights-based perspective.

We are also adopting good practices from abroad and implement them in Lithuania including the development of new community-based services. We have contributed to the development and establishment of innovative and successful services such as Vilnius psychosocial rehabilitation centre RASTIS (2001), Eating disorder centre (2001), Crisis intervention sector in the hospital of „Vasara“ (2004), Crisis management centre (2015). We have provided expert assistance building Act on Crisis/Mindletic app (2020).

Furthermore, we are also working in the field of development cooperation. In the past year, with local partners we have been promoting deinstitutionalization and community-based services for people with psychosocial and/or intellectual disabilities in Belarus and Ukraine.

As violations of human rights are detrimental to the mental health of society and individuals, the principle of the indivisibility of human rights is of crucial importance to us. Therefore, we are actively pursuing networking. PSP is a member of Coalition of Human Rights Organizations, Lithuanian Disability Forum, Coalition “I can live”, Development cooperation platform, Informal coalition of non-governmental organizationsfor children’s rights, Coalition „Mental health 2030”.

PSP is a part of the international advocacy campaings through the memberships in  Mental Health Europe, Human Rights in Mental Health – FGIP and WHO pan-European Mental Health Coalition.

Our values:

  • Respect for human rights;
  • Inclusion and diversity;
  • Openness and Cooperation;
  • Self-reflection and constant imrpovement

Members of the board:

Prof. Dr. Milda Ališauskienė
Indrė Giedrė Gegeckaitė
Henrikas Vaicekauskas
Tania Gurova